Eating Right

“Changing the way we eat means changing our way of thinking- this changes everything!” By: Earl C.

Higher Expectations

” Every Champion was once a contender, that never give up” – Winners Code.

Eating Healthy

” To be who you are and become what you are capable of is the only goal worth Living.” -Alvin Ailey

Embodying The Lifestyle

“I am an artist-my work of art is my life.” By: Suzuki

Eating Clean Foods

” The human body is like a race car. The better the fuel you put into it, the better the performance you’re going to get out of it.”

Give It Everything

” Healthy food doesn’t have to be boring. It’s like great sex, the better it is the more you want” – -Chef KT

Give nothing, Take it all...

Life’s most challenging moments render us in a state of uncertainty, but accepting the challenge can easily take the uncertainty out of the equation… ” By : Earl C.

Contact---A-Pure-Athlete-imageAt APUREATHLETE Our #1 goal is to support the sustained health of you and the planet. WE ARE ONE! We believe in the power of the earth to fuel our bodies for fitness and athletic performance as well as wellness in our everyday life. It will keep us strong and healthy if we keep it strong and healthy. APA seeks to keep you up to date on the most current information as it relates to food, fitness, nutrition and more. We promote free-form training and multi-joint movement as a way of life for real people with real-life bodies as well as the elite athlete.  EAT CLEAN, PLAY DIRTY!

kev-missionIt is the EARTHITSELF that we should care for, there is no US without it. We are connected in all aspects! A fit mind and a fit body can only be nurtured by healthy thinking, nutrients, water, vegetation.

Our body must be cared for and the only way to do that is by caring for what we place in our body. Sustainable you and I… Is a Sustainable planet. We are One!

 green teaFOOD00uu

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